What is your Ikigai?

Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

In simple words, Ikigai is a Japanese concept that translates to “reason for being”. It defines a person’s purpose or mission in life and identifies their reason for getting up everyday in the morning. It is said that many people in Okinawa, Japan have a healthy heart because they have an ikigai, which is followed by a healthy diet, physical activity, and a positive attitude towards life.

Finding your ikigai is a process of learning about yourself, your interests, and listing out your priorities in life. It involves a great deal of commitment from you, especially as you begin to make changes to your lifestyle and start to implement them. It is hard when there is only you who can hold yourself accountable for your actions.

But as Quintus Horatius Flaccus had once said “He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!”

It is important to note that finding your ikigai does not eliminate the problems you will face in life, nor does it promise you a life without sadness. Rather it gives you a reason to battle your sadness and enjoy the experience, and it gives you a destination and hope for why you must face your problems and tackle them. Having a purpose in life makes you stronger than you think you are, especially when your purpose has great value to you.

Everyone’s ikigai is different. For some it can be their family, for others it can be their hobbies, their work, or anything that gives them a sense of purpose. It can be as simple as waking up early in the morning to water your plants.

At Harboring Hearts, our ikigai is serving the cardiac surgery and transplant patients and their families who are most in need. We work towards our mission everyday, and the smiles on the faces of our patients and their families is what makes our work even more meaningful.

What is your ikigai?

Helpful Resources to Start Searching for Your Ikigai:


2nd Annual Golf Outing at Sebonack Golf Club


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